Article Bibliography Extraction and Harmonization Tool

Bibliotheca Hertziana Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz
The need of researchers to monitor and supervise the citations referenced in a document in an orderly manner resulting in the Referency project. Referency aims to create the ability for any researcher firstly to extract citations from any document, secondly to ascertain in a trustworthy way with authorities, and lastly to review this information.
- Processes and methods establishment with the community. Define a curated corpus and also define metrics to evaluate the product
- Development of novel algorithms to extract information from footnotes using known citation patterns
- Develop an extendable core to allow any external repository to be easily configured and used as a reference
- Develop of a progressive web application to allow the users to upload files and enrich the information found using multiple external repositories
- Deliver of an Opensource tool to be utilized by the Academia.
- 1st version out