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29/11/2022 Galaxy Hotel

Inspirational Venue 2022

The purpose of this event is to bring together successful professionals that we are collaborating with, to give a 15 minutes talk, on any topic of interest ted-x style (it could include success stories, expectations, business experiences, scientific challenges, projects etc).

7/11/2022 Lisbon Portugal

Web Summit 2022

Advance services’ food mobile cross-platform application, that was developed in cooperation with Net Mechanics, was accepted at the Web summit 2022 in Lisbon, along with the best applications worldwide.

15/11/2021 Galaxy Hotel

Inspirational Venue @ Galaxy Hotel

The purpose of this event is to bring together successful professionals that we are collaborating with, to give a 45 minutes talk, on any topic of interest ted-x style (it could include success stories, expectations, business experiences, scientific challenges, projects etc). The target audience will be our employees and partners (around 30-40 persons).